Wal-Mart.com USA, LLC

Saturday, January 16, 2016

OMT Kromatix Giveaway

My Sweepstakes City Welcomes You To The KROMATIX Windchime Giveaway
Hosted By:
Co-Hosted By:
  QMT KROMATIX Windchime Giveaway
2 - Winners
Holiday Contest and Sweeps along with a amazing group of blogs is honored to work with QMT Windchimes to present their newest line of chimes named "KROMATIX". These Chimes come in beautiful vibrant colors along with beautiful chime tones.
These chimes come in colors such as Groovy Green, Pop' n Purple, Funky Fuchsia, and Blaz' n Blue. Let's take a look at these 36" Chimes in the video below from QMT Windchimes and listen to the beautiful chime tunes.
Let the wind run wild this summer with KROMATIX. Their newest release, KROMATIX boasts four ultra-bright colors for vibrant, backyard fun. KROMATIX  are hand tuned, providing the excellent sounds with long lasting vibes.  These bold colors will brighten your spirit and will add style to your  décor.
A Big Thank You To Our Sponsor
QMT Windchimes
 This giveaway is in no way endorsed, affiliated or associated with Facebook, Twitter or
any other Social Media Networking Site.This giveaway is valid in the Continental United
States only. Entrants must be 18+ years of age to enter this giveaway. This giveaway will
come to a end at 12:00 Am (EST) 2/05/2016.
Holiday Contest and Sweeps did not receive any form of compensation for this giveaway.
QMT Windchimes will be solely responsible for the awarding of the prizes directly to each

Friday, July 18, 2014

How To Improve Your Vision - Read Before You Buy!

How To Improve Your Vision - Read Before You Buy!

Below you will find a few helpful steps that you can follow to help protect your vision.

Eat fish twice a week. Fish are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids- proven to reduce the risk of dry-eye syndrome. If you can't stand fish, try fish-oil supplements.
Always wear goggles when swimming or doing DIY work around the house. A properly fitting pair of swimming goggles will protect your eyes from chlorine, while work goggles will prevent debris from causing corneal abrasions.

Aim your car vents down at your feet, and not your eyes while driving. The dry, air-conditioned air sucks the moisture out of eyes like a sponge, so be sure to aim the vents in your car away from your face. Serious dryness can lead to corneal abrasions and even blindness.

Cook with red onions instead of yellow ones. The red onions contain more quercetin, which is an antioxidant that is believed to protect against cataracts.

Wear sunglasses whenever you leave the house. Not only do they block out the harsh glare of the sun, but they'll also protect your eyes from drying the effects of wind as well.

Be sure that you are wearing the right colour of contact lenses. Grey or amber sunglasses? Answer: Grey! Grey lenses provide the least colour distortion, and this very important when you're driving.

Have sweet potatoes for dinner at least once, or twice a week. Sweet potatos are rich in Vitamin A, and these spuds are especially good at improving your night vision.

Make sure you remove all eye makeup every night before going to sleep. This helps to prevent small particles of makeup from working their way into your eye, and possibly scratching your cornea.

Always use a fresh towel each time you wipe your face. Sharing a face towel or napkin with others is a guaranteed way to get the highly contagious eye infection called conjunctivitis, or maybe you call it "pink eye!"

Try to wear a large hat or cap in addition to your sunglasses. A wide-brimmed hat will block at least 50% of UV radiation and reduce the UV rays that may enter your eyes from around your Sunglasses.

Add spinach to your diet at least twice a week. It can either be steamed, sauteed in olive oil with garlic or maybe even in a quiche. It doesn't matter how you get it, just be sure to have it regularly. Studies have shown that lutein, a nutrient abundant in spinach, may prevent age-related macular degeneration and cataracts.

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Having a healthy diet, and good eye care habits are great ways to take preventative measures of protecting your vision. However, many people who have more extensive damage to their eyes, require a more intensive hands on approach.

If you find yourself in this particular catagory, then you will be thrilled to know that someone has taken the time to create a "proven" method of restoring your vision, and that someone is none other than Dr. Benjamin Miller.

Dr. Miller has designed, a sure way to improve your eyesight, and getting it back to near 20/20 vision. In fact, some people are testifying that their vision has improved so much that they are seeing better than they have in a life time. Dr Miller shares the secret to vision restoration which is based on the finding's of his father, who was an Ivy League educated Ophthalmologist with the rest of us. Miller teaches us how easy clear vision can be achieved in less than 21 days. This is possible even if your present prescription is a staggering -6.25 or worse! Miller explains why this proven method works for both nearsightedness, and farsightedness, because both conditions have a similar root cause. Dr. Miller's method helps to eliminate the fundamental cause of poor eyesight, and without having to wear uncomfortable eye glasses or contact lenses, which can be very painful.

Dr Miller's easy clear vision method can be achieved by people of all ages, ethnicities, and all walks of life. It can even be mastered by small children, and seniors alike. In fact, this proven method only takes about 15 minutes a day, for over a span of about 3 weeks to return your eyesight to near 20/20 vision. Dr. Benjamin Miller breaks down all of the science surrounding this breakthrough method in step-by-step, easy to understand details. He shares this proven easy clear vision method with you immediately, so that you will be able to free yourself from any dependency on glasses or contact lenses, and without having to have painful and expensive eye surgeries. This proven method has already helped well over 14,450 people to improve their eyesight to near 20/20 vision.

Still need more information? Well no problem! Learn more about Dr. Miller's proven method of acheiving easy clear vision today!
Forever 21 Canada

Friday, July 11, 2014

Old School New Body Workout Review

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The Old School New Body Review

 Changing your Life with Old School New Body

If you have been feeling a little out of shape latetly, then it's probably time to start exerciding. Even if you are considered "middle age,  or older" that does not mean that you should just give up and let yourself go.  Following a strict diet plan and maintaining an exercise regiment can become more difficult  the more you age. This is where the Old School New Body Workout comes into play. The Old School New Body workout was created by Steve, and Becky Holman. This workout plan they put together is designed to help create a program that works especially for you, to keep your body in shape. The Holmans are both in their 50s, but you wouldn't guess that just by looking at them. Loosing those extra pounds can become harder to achieve later on in life, but not with the help of the  Old School New Body routine. With this routine It's easy to work into your busy schedule. All it  requires is ninety minutes of exercise each week to get guaranteed results. The Holman's methods have been tried and tested, and have helped many people obtain a healthier lifestyle.  There is also a diet plan that is included in the Old School New Body program, and ir should be adhered to the letter in order for you to get the best results. These foods are very flavourful so you don't have to worry about them leaving you feeling hungry all the time.

The Old School New Body workout will not leave you feeling breathless or sore, because the exercises are all within the range of the capabilities of aging people. They are safe and very effective at helping you to say good bye to those pounds that you've been struggling with for years. What makes Old School New Body so effective is that it's suitable for just about anyone, even bodybuilders. Being active in exercising, can also help you feel more youthful, and will keep you healthier in the long run. A lack of exercise can actually result in increased health risks and diseases. There's no need to worry about wasting your money, because the OldSchool New Body workout is guaranteed if you don't achieve the desired  results there is a 100 percent full money back refund.  You won't get results overnight with the Old School New Body program, and the program must be adhered to in order for the exercises to be effective.The Old School New Body workout is more of a a lifestyle change, instead of just a quick fix. Hopefully this Old School New Body review has been helpful in answering any questions you may have about this life-changing exercise regimen. The sooner you start this workout, the sooner you can begin experiencing the difference this program can make in your life, and help change it for the better.

CLICK HERE to learn more about The Old School New Body Workout Today!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

My Review of The Samsung Tablet 3 7.0 8GB

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My Review of The Samsung Tablet 3 7.0  8GB

I had been wanting my own tablet for quite a while,  but there was always something more important that I needed to spend my money on, so my getting a tablet had to be placed on the back burner several times.  

A few onths ago I went shopping with my son, who was very interested in either purchasing a Tablet, or a Chromebook laptop.  So off we went from store, to store trying to find the best product at the right price.  Shopping for anything can be a chore in itself, and looking for tablets is no exception. After jumping in and out of cars, and running in and out of stores he finally decided on the Samsung Tablet. 

I waited several weeks before I decided to get one for myself, and during that time I kept harassing my son to get his honest opinion of the Samsung Tablet. I wanted to know whether or not he was really satisfied with his purchase, or if he wished he had purchased a Chromebook instead.  My son is someone who can be brutally honest at times,  so I genuinely respect his opinion.  He assured me that he had no regrets, and that he indeed was very satisfied the product.  My son's testimonial about the tablet did impress me some what, but I was still dragging my feet about buying one for myself. 

 A couple of months ago however,  I received  one from my daughter.  It was an unexpected, yet pleasant surprise! I have had it with me everyday since I received it. I love that it has a much bigger screen than my phone, yet it's also small enough for me to carry in my purse. It's great to have when I need to send a quick email, or even do a little online shopping. I am able to do most everything that I would do on my computer. In fact I am using the Samsung Tablet 3 7.0 8GB to write this review at this very moment.

How cool is that?!

The Samsung Galaxy Tab 3.70 8GB ~ White is also very durable.  I am embarrassed to admit that I know this because I have dropped it on more than one occasion. The fact that it is wi-fi capable makes it even more desirable to me. The speed of this tablet is also very good, although when I use the Chrome browser, it seems to load a bit slower than the IE browser does, but it works better with Blogger/Blogspot, because it allows me to upload pictures.

There are a few minor things that could use some improvement, such as changing where the on/off, and volume buttons are located. I can't tell you how many times I've turned off the tablet screen by accident while typing an important blog post. Also, the camera on the Samsung Tablet could use some tweeking, because pictures sometimes turn out blurry. I'm able to take much clearer photos on my smartphone. Overall though, I am satisfied with the Samsung Tablet 3 7.0 8GB, and I do recommend it to anyone who is in the market for a new tablet. 

If you'd like purchase this tablet for yourself, or buy it as a Christmas gift for someone else then you can get it at a great price HERE!

Disclosure: I was not given compensation of any kind for this review. The opinions I have shared about this product are honest, and my own. 


Review of The Ozeri Instavac Food Storage Containers

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Dislosure: I received a product for review purposes! I did not receive any monetary payment of any kind for this review! The opinions I have shared here are honest, and my own!

The Ozeri INSTAVAC Green Earth Food Storage Container Set,is a BPA-Free 8-Piece Nesting Set. Each container comes equipt with a Vacuum Seal and Locking Lid that helps to keep food fresh longer, without the use of pumps, or motors. All yyou have to do to keep your left-overs fresh is simply press down on the center of the the lid. This forces the air out of the container tthrough the Patened one-way valve.  This process helps to remove any excess air so that the growth of bacteria is significantly reduced so food stays fresh longer.

The Ozeri INSTAVAC Green Earth Food Storage Container Set also has a release valve that helps to prevent spills, and bursting while the containers are in the microwave. The wave pattern which is at the bottom of each container, was designed to keep vegetables, and cut fruit elevated from juices and water. There is also a date dial that allows you to keep record of when your food was first stored and monitors the amount of days they have been in the refrigerator. This container set is BPA-free, stain-resistant, shatter-proof. It is feezer, microwave and dishwasher safe as well, and the fact that your satisfaction guaranteed puts the icing on the cake!

I recommend the Ozeri INSTAVAC Green Earth Food Storage Container Set because it is the best quality food storage set I have ever seen! The containers open, and close with ease, and with one quick press on the center of the lid all of the excess air is removed. Easy Peasy! If you are a person who is on the go 24/7, and you prefer to have a home cooked meal, but without the hassle of having to prepare a meal each day then this is the set for you! Click the link if you would like to purchase your very own set of Ozeri INSTAVAC Storage Containers!

My Review of The Ozeri Digital Bath Scale

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My Review of the Ozeri Digital Bath Scale 
with Electro-Machanical Dial

Disclosure: I was given a product for review purposes. The opinions I have shared are honest, and my own.

A few days ago I received an Ozeri Rev Digital Bath Scale with Electro-Machanical Dial to review.  I can describe my feelings about this bath scale from the time I first laid eyes on it til how I feel about now in four easy syllables. "phe·nom·e·nal!"

That's no joke, this scale is absolutely AMAZING! It's sleek design blends perfectly with my modernly styled bathroom.  The scale gives you accurate readings of your weight in both digital,  and analog formats.  It also has a convenient alarm system that helps you to remember to weigh yourself at the same time each day. 

The Ozeri Rev Digital Bath Scale with Electro-Mechanical Dial is light weight,  and easily fits under the bathroom sink. My most favorite feature of this scale however,  is the way it revs up, and lights up  when giving you the amount of your weight. It almost seems like it's trying to help you celebrate your weight loss. I get excited every time I see this happen, and it puts a big smile on my face! : )

I have tried several different types  of scales in the past few years while on my weight loss journey,  but the Ozeri scale is by far my absolute FAV! I love it, and I would definitely recommend it to my friends, family members, and to anyone struggling with their weight for that matter. When you're are on this journey of trying to stay healthy you need all the support you can get!  

My Review of Bath & Body Works' Sea Island Cotton Body Cream,

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My  Review of Bath & Works Sea Island Cotton Body Cream

  A few days ago I received an 8 oz container of Bath & Body Works' Sea Island Cotton triple moisture body cream, from their Signature Collection.  My first reaction to the body cream was a pretty negative one, because I usually don't care very much for the scent of their products. However, since I have a bit of dry skin, and I had just run out of lotion I reluctantly decided to try it anyway.

   I opened the the tube, and dabbed a small amount of the cream on my hand, and I began to rub it in. I was immediately impressed with the amount of coverage the cream gave me, but what I loved even more about it was the fragrance. I kept bringing my hands close to my nose so I could get another whiff of the scent. It was hard for me to believe how much I enjoyed the smell. 

  The products I have purchased from Bath & Body Works in past seemed to loose their scent only after a couple of hours, no matter how much I put on. The Sea Island Cotton triple moisture body cream however, was a pleasant surprise. Not only does it offer great coverage for people with dry skin, but its fragrance is long lasting. After several failed attempts at trying to find a product from Bath & Body Works I really like, I have finally struck gold, and this one is a keeper. : )

    Promotion Details Limited Time Only! Buy 3, Get 3 Free (Must add 6 items to cart) or Buy 2, Get 1 Free (Must add 3 items to cart)Limited time only. While supplies last. Offer may not combine with other site offers. Subject to change without notice. Lowest priced product will qualify as free item. Shipping fee still applies to free products. If you would like to try Bath & Body Works' Sea Island Cotton triple moisture body cream from their Signature Collection for yourself then you can find it HERE!!

Disclosure: I was not given any compensation for this review, and the opinions I have shared about this product are my own. Follow Constance Vann's board Compare, Calculate, Commence Shopping! on Pinterest.

Monday, July 7, 2014

His and Hers Trio Wedding Ring Sets

Getting married soon, and looking for the perfect  ring? We've put together a list of fabulous options for you to choose from. Finding the perfect set can help you save time, and money. But don't just take my word for it. Check out the gorgeous ring opt below!

My Trio Rings - 1 Carat Diamond Trio Wedding Ring Set 14k Yellow Gold

My Trio Rings - 1 Carat Diamond Trio Wedding Ring Set 14k Yellow Gold

My Trio Rings - 1/2 Carat Diamond Trio Wedding Ring Set 10K White Gold

My Trio Rings - 1/2 Carat Diamond Trio Wedding Ring Set 10K White Gold

My Trio Rings - 1/4 CT. T.W. Diamond Trio Matching Wedding Ring Set 10K White Gold

My Trio Rings - 1/4 CT. T.W. Diamond Trio Matching Wedding Ring Set 10K White Gold

My Trio Rings - 1/4 CT. T.W. Diamond Trio Matching Wedding Ring Set 10K White Gold

My Trio Rings - 1/4 CT. T.W. Diamond Trio Matching Wedding Ring Set 10K White Gold

My Trio Rings - 1 Carat T.W. Diamond Trio Matching Wedding Ring Set 10K White Gold

My Trio Rings - 1 Carat T.W. Diamond Trio Matching Wedding Ring Set 10K White Gold

My Trio Rings - 1/2 Carat Diamond Trio Wedding Ring Set 10K White Gold

My Trio Rings - 1/2 Carat Diamond Trio Wedding Ring Set 10K White Gold

Chanel - 1/5 Carat T.W. Diamond Trio Matching Wedding Ring Set 14K white Gold

Chanel - 1/5 Carat T.W. Diamond Trio Matching Wedding Ring Set 14K white Gold

My Trio Rings - 1 Carat Diamond Trio Wedding Ring Set 14k White Gold

My Trio Rings - 1 Carat Diamond Trio Wedding Ring Set 14k White Gold

My Trio Rings - 1/4 Carat Diamond Trio Wedding Ring Set 10K White Gold

My Trio Rings - 1/4 Carat Diamond Trio Wedding Ring Set 10K White Gold

My Trio Rings - 1/2 CT. T.W. Diamond Trio Matching Wedding Ring Set 10K White Gold

My Trio Rings - 1/2 CT. T.W. Diamond Trio Matching Wedding Ring Set 10K White Gold

My Trio Rings - 1 CT. T.W. Diamond Ladies Engagement Ring, Wedding Band, Men's Wedding Band Matching Set 14K Yellow Gold

My Trio Rings - 1 CT. T.W. Diamond Ladies Engagement Ring, Wedding Band, Men's Wedding Band Matching Set 14K Yellow Gold

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links provided by Postpresso.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Make Fake Fuller Eyebrows in Seconds

Make Fake Fuller Eyebrows in SECONDS

If having fuller eyebrows is something that you have always wanted,  then stop what you're doing, pin the tutorial above, and follow all of the steps below right away. You'll need to follow this regiment daily in order to maintain this look. Makeup artist Lauren Cosenza shared exactly how to fake fuller brows that appear so natural they look like it's something you do for a living.

◆ 1. Map the eyebrow shape you desire. Once your foundation and blush have been applied, then using an eyebrow pencil, begin enhancing your brows by mapping out a strong eyebrow shape on your face. Be sure to fully close in the shape with the exception of the inside edge of your brow. This area of your brow should be left open. If it's closed entirely it will become much too thick, and it could end up looking like theatre makeup, and that is not the effect you're going for. You can use a Mary Kay Brunette Brow Definer  to achieve this.

◆ 2. Fill in your arches with brow powder. Grab a dense angled brush, and then swipe it across your pressed eyebrow powder. The powder should be one shade lighter than your natural brow hair color. Next, use quick short brush strokes going upward, while following the growth of your brow hair line. Rebecca used Anastasia Brow Powder Duo in Ebony.

◆ 3. Backcomb and comb your brows. Backcombing your brows with a spoolie brush enables you to diffuse and soften the edges. This is important so that they don't merely look like you only accentuated them. After this, you want to comb them smooth again, making sure to follow their regular growth pattern. Try this using a Jane Iredale Deluxe Spoolie Brush.

◆ 4. Don't forget to highlight the browbone. Take a highlighter pencil, and apply the soft champagne pink shade onto your browbone. The lighter shade against your darker eyebrow accentuates them even more. Now, set your eyebrows with brow gel. Begin spiking the hair subtly at the inner corner and then brushing the rest of your arch smooth. Rebecca used Anastasia Eye Lights Matte
 and Anastasia Clear Brow Gel.

There you have it!

Now you gaze at your fuller, more beautiful brows that will enhance your own natural beauty!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Julep's Maven Beauty Box Sign-Ups

Julep's Maven Beauty Box - Fully Customizable & Packed wijulep.comth Value

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Did you know that Julep's very popular monthly beauty box just got even better? Yes! Maven subscriptions can be customized to fit your style, your likes and your favorites even more now.

◆Each month, Julep Mavens get:A fully customized monthly delivery of over $40 in nail polish and beauty products for $24.99 a month, or just $19.99 a month if you choose for the 3 month option.

◆Fexibility to try one of five beauty styles each month or upgrade to get them all

◆20% off and free shipping on other products at Julep.com

◆Exclusive access to the Secret Store each month

◆Early notification about special promotions like Mystery Boxes, Gift with Purchase sets and more

Not sure you want to be a Maven yet or know what style you are?

 Take the Maven Style Quiz and then use the code FREEBOX to get your first box free. You will be charged $2.99 for shipping and you are signing up for the monthly subscription service, however you can cancel at any time by simply contacting Julep Customer Service.

Julep also makes a great gift. The Gift of Maven is perfect for birthdays, bridesmaids gifts, or any other special occasion. The Gift of Maven is available in 2, 4 or 6 month increments and does not auto-renew.

Try sharing the gift of Maven today!
